Millions of Americans are coping with depression and it’s causing them to lose their ability to function everyday. This illness has affected all sorts of people, but it has especially impacted women. Many women, particularly ones who have just given birth, have experienced depression. Managing this condition isn’t always easy for those going through it as well. But in this post, I’ll examine the difficulties associated with depression, 5 facts about the mental illness, and 4 steps you could take in coping with managing it.
What are the Difficulties of Depression?
There are plenty of difficulties a person suffering from depression goes through. People going through this mental disease experience various symptoms that cause them to lose their ability to function every day. It’s not easy living with depression due to the following symptoms:
- disrupted sleep
- feeling very lethargic
- poor concentration
- losing weight
- thoughts of suicide or dying
- feelings of low self-worth
Being depressed causes you to become physically sick, not just mentally. You have no zest for life. When a person is depressed, they feel as if they’re just going through the motions and don’t know what to do with themselves. It’s an unfortunate health condition that’s difficult to manage and could impact your life if you allow it to do so.

What are the 5 Facts about Depression?
Depression is affecting so many adult Americans and their quality of life. If you or someone you know is going through this condition, you must continue to educate yourself about it. The more you continue to do that, the more you’ll start to understand your symptoms and behavior patterns. Besides its symptoms, there are many other important things you must know about depression. These 5 following facts are just a few of the many facts about the condition you need to know:
- Globally, an estimated 5% of adults suffer from depression.
- It is about 50% more common among women than men.
- Depression can lead to suicide.
- It could result from a complex mix of social, psychological, and biological factors.
- There are various forms of treatment including antidepressant medication, psychological treatments, and self-care.
What is the Management of Depression?
When you start experiencing the symptoms of depression, it’s important to take steps to try to heal. Managing your condition takes time and effort and you can do it in various ways. As was mentioned earlier, many people utilize several forms of treatment such as antidepressants, which include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These treatments are usually not used in treating mild depression or when treating the condition in children. Many people also consider other alternatives such as psychological treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy. However, let’s take a look at four steps you can take to manage this condition by yourself.
Eating Healthy
It’s been said that we are what we eat. What have you been putting into your body? Having a balanced diet filled with fruits and vegetables could help boost your mood. Most people suffering from depression find it hard to remain disciplined at eating healthy. Some start going through the habit of barely eating. But if you work with your doctor to set up a nutritional plan and stick with it, you’ll be on the path to managing your depression better.
Staying Active
Besides eating well, exercise is another important aspect of managing depression. The mental illness is closely related to and affected by physical health. The more inactive you start to become, the more depressed you will be. So start engaging in some form of productive exercise, even if it’s just walking around your favorite park. You can also make a list of activities that you once enjoyed and plan to do one of them each day.
Reach out to Your Loved Ones
Staying connected with your friends and family is very vital to helping you manage depression. You can’t turn people away who are only trying to help. When someone texts, calls, or emails you inquiring about how you’re doing, don’t hesitate to reply to them. It’s also important you don’t hesitate to reach out to them. Our friends and family could sometimes provide you with the help you need when you think you least expect it.
Stop, Think and Pray
Most people don’t do this enough and that’s praying to God. Sometimes, life can become quite overwhelming. There are times when it could be okay to turn to a higher source for help. When your depression has become worse, don’t be afraid to lean on Jehovah. Our God is near to those who are brokenhearted and emotionally hurt. He loves you and doesn’t want to see you depressed.
Why is Depression a Big Deal?
Some people feel as if depression isn’t a real mental disease. But it is because it could affect your well-being and everyday functioning. Untreated depression could lead to a detrimental effect on your personal relationships, impact your performance at your job or school, and cause you to develop drug and alcohol problems. This illness could go on for months and possibly years. It’s unlikely to go away on its own.
If you’ve been experiencing depression and the challenges of managing it, please know that you’re not alone. Feel free to share your thoughts about coping with this mental disease in the comments section below. I look forward to reading your comments. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next person coping with depression you know.