During this winter season, dry skin is always a problem for many women. Some have more severe problems with it than others. We all have tried all sorts of products to alleviate those skin problems. But there are ways you protect your face from extremely harsh cold weather. If you’re looking for something that can soothe and moisturize your skin, here are four overnight home remedies for curing your dry skin you can try today.

How do you make Homemade Dry Skin Treatment?
Making homemade dry skin treatment doesn’t have to be too hard. There is a myriad of ingredients you can use in your own home to create your product. The key to creating a good homemade treatment is finding the right ingredients that won’t irritate your skin. Maintaining a proper skincare of exfoliating and moisturizing takes a lot of work and dedication. Knowing your allergies is extremely vital to making homemade overnight products to soothe your dry skin.
What Homemade Remedy gets Rid of Dry Skin on your Face Overnight?
So what are the best homemade remedies to help moisturize your face? These homemade remedies are composed of ingredients in your home such as olive oil, avocado, or honey. Adding these everyday foods to your skincare will give you a natural skin treatment for your dry skin. One of these kitchen fixes has been used for centuries as homeopathic medicine in cultures worldwide. However, if you’re suffering from a serious underlying skin condition that’s causing your dry skin, it may be best to contact a professional dermatologist before doing any DIY stuff.
Olive Oil Cleanser
You may cook with it, but olive oil contains vitamin E, antioxidants, and other properties that help with damaged, dry skin. Using it as a cleanser or a moisturizer prevents natural oils from your skin from being stripped away. All you have to do is rub the oil on your skin and drape a warm damp cloth over your face until it cools. Wipe any excess oil from your face. Be sure to do a small test of oil on your skin first before trying this.
Rich Avocado Mask
An avocado is not just nutritious to eat. It’s also beneficial for your skin’s health. Creating a rich avocado mask has all the right antioxidants to soothe your dry skin this winter. Just combine ½ of a creamy avocado, a ¼ cup of plain Greek yogurt, a drizzle of manuka honey, and a teaspoon of turmeric to improve symptoms of inflammatory skin. One expert also recommends pureing half an avocado and mixing it with a teaspoon of olive oil. Honey could be added if you have very dry skin.
Coconut Oil
This homemade remedy is one I love to use all the time on my face. Coconut oil is not only great for removing eye makeup, but it’s also great for dry skin in the winter. If you have dry, cracked feet or hands, you can apply the oil and cover them up with thick socks or non-latex gloves. Because it becomes solid at room temperature, it’s perfect to use overnight to moisturize your face.
Oatmeal Honey Mask
We already talked about honey and how beneficial it could be for those suffering from dry skin. However, oatmeal could make a great exfoliator as well. If you’re interested in making this mask one evening, it’s pretty easy to make. Just mix 2 tablespoons of oats with 1 tablespoon of honey and a dash of water. Use it to exfoliate your skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes as a hydrating mask.
How Can I Protect My Face in Extreme Cold Weather?
Protecting your face in these extremely cold Chicago weather conditions could be done without using expensive products. It could be done with the ingredients we already have in our kitchens. So if you have some oatmeal, honey, or olive oil, you may have a potential recipe for an overnight remedy for dry skin. May it be beneficial in moisturizing your face effectively.
Do you have an overnight home remedy for your dry skin? Are you interested in trying one of these four interesting ones that could protect your face from the harsh cold weather? Feel free to share your skincare tips in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next woman struggling with dry skin this winter that you know.