What do you like to do before hitting the hay? Do you like to drink some chamomile tea? Watch TV? How about doing some muscle-relaxing stretches? Most people don’t think to engage in stretching before they go to bed. But stretching at night could help you sleep better and reduces any sleep-related muscle strains. Before you call it a night, here are a few muscle-relaxing stretches that you must do.
Bear Hug
This first stretch does help in alleviating aches in your shoulder blade. I’ve tried it and do feel a lot better. The bear hug involves you doing just that- a few sets of you hugging yourself tight. Just inhale and open your arms wide. Exhale and cross your arms over each other to give yourself a bear hug. Be sure to breathe deeply and allow your hands to move your shoulders forward. Hold this bear hug stretch for 30 seconds and inhale while releasing your arms out wide. Repeat with your other arm on top of the other arm.
Neck Roll
You usually can’t go wrong with this muscle-relaxing stretch before getting some shut-eye. Rolling your neck from side to side after sitting at a desk all day is very relieving. It helps release tension built up in your neck, head, and shoulders. Be sure you’re rolling it slowly as you do this stretch. Roll your neck to the left and switch to rolling it to the right. Also, consider doing neck stretches tilting your head to the left for a few seconds and then to the right.

Cat Cow
Another drawback to working in an office all day is it could cause some strain on your lower back. This next stretching exercise will be effective in relieving this. The cat cow involves you getting your hands and knees on the floor like you’re in a cat position. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips.
From there, arch your back by tightening your stomach muscles, squeezing your buttocks, and tucking your tailbone in. Hold this position for 10 seconds and let your lower back sag to the floor, rotate your tailbone in an upward motion, and stretch the front of your neck. Also, hold this position for 10 seconds and return to your neutral position. Do this exercise 5 to 10 times each day before you go to bed.
Child’s Pose
If you need a relaxing stretching exercise that allows you to relieve stress, the child’s pose may be the right one for you. It allows you to relieve tension in your lower back. You also get the chance to stretch the glutes and your upper body. You first start by coming down with your hands and knees to the floor in a neutral position. Slowly lower your butt toward your feet extending your arms in front of you. Hold in this position for 30 seconds. Be sure you don’t have your head or chest touch the floor while doing this. Rise and return your body to a neutral position. Repeat this exercise 3 times.
Muscle-relaxing stretches offer plenty of benefits in helping you sleep and reducing any sleep-related pain. You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed after trying these stretches before you hit the hay. What’s your favorite stretching exercise to do before you go to bed? How does it benefit you and how often do you do it? Share your most effective muscle stretching exercises in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next lover of stretching you know.