Many women use popular hair relaxers. However, African-American women account for the vast majority of customers using hair relaxers to straighten their coily or curly hair. A lot of black women are the most likely to start using them at a younger age, including myself. However, there have been some unfortunate lawsuits filed by customers who have purchased these products. They’ve alleged that the chemical ingredients have caused them to be diagnosed with illnesses such as ovarian, breast, and uterine cancer. Which hair relaxers cause cancer? Do these lawsuits mean that you should stop using hair relaxers period? Let’s examine four of these products along with more background information about this issue.

Is it True that Hair Relaxers Cause Cancer?
It’s possible. There have been several studies that suggest the unfortunate link between hair relaxers and cancer. In the past 5 years, several large studies in the U.S. have investigated the connection between cancer and hair relaxers. While none of these studies show actual definitive proof that hair relaxers do or don’t cause cancer, they do however show that there are strong links between using those products frequently and breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer.
A 2020 International Journal of Cancer study showed that women who frequently used relaxers were at higher risk. This study had over 50,000 participants who were all women between the ages of 35-74 living in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Researchers were able to find that women who frequently used chemical hair straighteners had about a 30% higher risk of breast cancer than those who didn’t use them. Those who use hair relaxers frequently in this study are defined as using them more than 6 times a year.
Another study in 2021 from Carcinogenesis suggested that women who use hair relaxers more than 4 times a year were twice as likely to develop ovarian cancer. The results of the study showed 241 women were diagnosed with ovarian cancer. While researchers weren’t able to find any connections between hair dyes, bleaches, and permanent hair color products to ovarian cancer, they were able to find a positive association between the constant use of straighteners and the illness. Although Black women are less likely than other racial groups to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer, they do have the lowest survival rate.
But why do relaxers possibly cause cancer? Experts suggest that it could be the ingredients that are contained in these hair relaxers. A lot of them have harsh chemicals that could potentially lead to cancer. Some of these common chemicals include formaldehyde, formaldehyde-release chemicals, oxidized para-phenylenediamine, and 4-aminobiphenyl. Let’s learn about four of these hair relaxers that have reportedly caused black women to be diagnosed.
Which Hair Relaxers Cause Cancer?
There have been numerous lawsuits amongst various popular hair relaxers. One involved a woman suing several hair manufacturers last year alleging that the chemicals in these products caused her to be diagnosed with uterine cancer. This lawsuit is amongst one of roughly 40 that have been filed nationwide against hair relaxers. Here are some of the products that you must watch out for.
This popular hair relaxer product line has been getting complaints from Black female customers about their toxic ingredients allegedly causing them to be diagnosed with uterine cancer. In 2000, L’Oreal USA was acquired by Carson Products, an ethnic haircare products manufacturer. Since then, the two companies were merged into SoftSheen-Carson. One of the lawsuits that have been filed against L’Oreal includes from a woman earlier this year. She claims that her uterine cancer and endometriosis were caused by the endocrine-disrupting chemicals in their products.
Cream of Nature
Revlon manufactures Cream of Nature and has also received some lawsuits from their customers. Also marketed to the black female audience, this hair care line includes a wide range of hair care products, including hair relaxers. Cream of Nature also markets its products as being safe with natural ingredients. However, their products still contain chemicals such as phthalates and parabens that could increase your risk of uterine or ovarian cancer.
Optimum Care
This top-selling hair relaxer brand, also heavily marketed to Black women, was created by Soft Sheen-Carson. Optimum Care products contain a mixture of strong chemicals that damage the hair’s protein structure. It has been sued by several of its customers due to the endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the products. So if you relax your hair, be aware of Optimum Care.
Dark & Lovely
L’Oreal created Dark & Lovely hair care line to help Black women straighten their coily or curly hair. However, it has also been getting some lawsuits from its customers due to its strong chemicals. It’s been marketing their products as being safe to use, but their customers are claiming otherwise. One woman accused L’Oreal of marketing Dark & Lovely as being safe to use when they should’ve known that the endocrine-disrupting chemicals were harmful to someone’s health.
Why You Should Stop Using Hair Relaxer?
While many women use hair relaxers, Black women still use them more frequently than other racial groups to straighten their hair. A recent study in 2017 shows that 88% of Black women use chemical straighteners compared to 5% of White women. For years, chemical hair relaxers have been one of the most popular ways to straighten our usually coarse hair. However, due to their chemical ingredients possibly being linked to uterine, ovarian, or even breast cancer, it may be time for us to discontinue using them.
Throughout the years, Black women have looked for alternative ways to straighten their hair outside of using relaxers. They have been doing blowouts and using hot combs or straightening irons instead of lye relaxers. A lot of Black women have also been turning to protective styles such as braids, sew-ins, or just wearing wigs. I, myself, have been doing some of these things to my hair and eliminating hair relaxers.
Popular chemical hair relaxers marketed to black women such as Optimum Care and Dark & Lovely have faced some unfortunate lawsuits from its customers. Many have alleged that the ingredients in their products have caused them to be diagnosed with cancerous diseases such as uterine, ovarian, or breast cancer. There have even been some recent studies suggesting the strong link between frequently used hair relaxers and these diseases. With Black women being twice as likely to die from uterine cancer as white women, this should help us think twice about hair relaxers and consider other options.
Are you a Black woman like I am who used to use hair relaxers but don’t anymore? If you still use them, have you been thinking about discontinuing your use of them due to their chemical ingredients? Share your thoughts and opinions about hair relaxers in the comments section below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the next beautiful black woman that you know.