Most women, like myself, have been trying to do their own hair despite most hair salons reopening right now. For some of us, it has been an interesting learning process. Some women have been learning how to give themselves looks using hair tutorials on YouTube. I, myself, learned how to fix my hair into a crochet braided look.

However, there have been some women opting to go to the hair salons, which is fine, too. Just make sure that your salon is monitoring how many customers are in the waiting room. Also, be sure that they are keeping their salon clean as we continue to stave off this virus.
But during this whole ordeal, there are four hair care reminders we all must follow if we’re going to be doing this from home. We may have heard of these reminders before, but it bears necessary to still repeat them.
Nourish your Hair with the Right Products
A woman’s hair comes in different textures. Depending on the type of hair you have, you must use the right products. If you have thick, coarse hair, opt for shampoos, conditioner, and moisturizers that are suitable for that type of hair. If you have thin, fine hair, look for products that are formulated to that type of hair. Also, if you have any allergies, you must look at the ingredients the product has. Please make sure that this product doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals.
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle is Key
Your hair’s health is not only dependent on the proper use of the right products. Sometimes, we don’t stop and think about what we are putting in our bodies. Some of the best foods for hair health include ones with a steady diet of protein such as lean meats and beans. Berries and dark chocolate are also foods to put in your diet. However, any foods containing high levels of sugar are to be avoided. It upregulates inflammation throughout the body, which is a big contributor to hair loss.
Find a Style that Suits you
Of course, it is also important to pick the right style that fits your face shape, lifestyle, and personality. What may work and look cute on one girl may not look the same on you. So you have to know what hairstyles fit you. You also have to choose a style that you will feel comfortable with.

Keep Things Simple
When doing your hair at home, don’t try to do something beyond your abilities. If you’re not particularly skilled at cutting or dying your hair, don’t attempt to try these things at home. Safety is important. So don’t try to pick a style that will cause your hair to fall out.
Doing your hair from home is quite a complicated journey. But a women’s hair is part of what makes her who she is. If we, as women, follow these simple hair care reminders, we will make this journey an easier one. Have any hair advice you would like to add? Leave it in the comments. Also, feel free to like or share this post with the next girl you know.