We all as women go through difficult setbacks in our lives. Sometimes, we need encouragement to help us endure or get through our issues. That’s what good, loving friends are for. If you’re a woman, you probably have some dependable girlfriends who are good for this. We can all be there for each other in various ways. When you see a dear friend of yours going through a rough time, try doing the following things.

Give Them a Phone Call
This is something we know we must do. But sometimes, we can fall into a habit of not doing it. When you know a friend who isn’t doing too well, be sure to give them a call. It’s one of the most important ways to reach out to a person. You’ll also be making them feel good by letting them know that you’ve been thinking of them. Every person wants to feel wanted or acknowledged. Sometimes people like to know if there’s somebody out there who cares about them. So don’t forget to give that friend of yours a phone call.
Be a Good Listener
If you want to be a better friend, being a good listener is essential. People like to be listened to and not ignored. Being attentive to your girlfriend’s concerns and issues shows that you’re empathetic. Even if you can’t personally relate to what they’re going through, try to make a habit of letting them know that you care. Being quiet and listening to what they have to say shows that you’re there for them.
Give them a Hug
Another important thing to do when being there for your friends is to reach out and give them a big hug. Even when you don’t have the right words to say to them, just reach out and give them a big hug. Physical touch will help them feel loved and needed. Sometimes, people need a warm hug to help them get through the day. A warm hug is also a good confidence booster for someone who is discouraged. When you have the chance, give your girlfriend, mom, daughter, or sister a hug. You’ll both feel good after this warm embrace.
Give them a Gift
Who doesn’t love a nice gift sent to them now and then? To make your girlfriend feel a little better, giving her a simple, nice gift should do the trick. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive because the thoughtfulness behind your gift is more important. Could only afford something from the Dollar Store? Buy something from there. Even handmade gifts, such as a sweet little greeting card, are some of the best ones. Give your friend something that’ll make her laugh, smile, and feel loved.
I have been doing a little greeting card creating in the online design software program Canva. Get two of my free Thank You Card Printable creations here. Print them up or send them to somebody you’re thankful for. If you have anything further to add on how we could support our girlfriends in times of distress, be sure to drop a line in the comments below. As always, be sure to like or share this post with the closest girlfriend you know.
Love the article! The picture put the icing on the cake. Lol…. Sometimes even a girls night just because would be in order. Just because we don’t always know when someone is going through something because some of us are private people. We need to just get-a-way. Stepping back, just to recharge in order to jump back into things refreshed.
I like be this, and hope that I can be a true girlfriend. I truly appreciate the girls that want to hangout with me. Thanks for this reminder.